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Welcome to Twinkl PlanIt

Award-winning Twinkl PlanIt has been written to address the aims of the 2014 curriculum. It includes detailed lesson plans, lesson presentations, creative and differentiated lesson activities and resources, home learning tasks, challenge cards, fact cards, eye catching display packs, key vocabulary grids and formative assessment materials.

Find out more about PlanIt in our free PlanIt Guides!

PE - Twinkl Move

Twinkl Move is an empowering teaching package that provides a complete breadth of planning from Reception through to Key Stage 2.

PlanIt Intervention

PlanIt Interventions are designed to be used with individuals or small groups who require extra support.

PSHE, Citizenship and Relationships Education - Twinkl Life

Our PSHE scheme of work is fully in line with the PSHE Association Programme of Study and meets the 2019 Draft Guidance for Statutory Relationships Education.

Twinkl Phonics

Our unique and all-encompassing synthetic phonics teaching package.

Twinkl Handwriting

Our comprehensive ‘Handwriting’ programme, covering all the statutory requirements for handwriting from the 2014 National Curriculum for English.

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