From Indiegala
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“Prophet!” said I, “thing of evil! — prophet still, if bird or devil! — Whether Tempter sent, or whether tempest tossed thee here ashore, Desolate, yet all undaunted, on this desert land enchanted — On this home by Horror Haunted ”

- Edgar Allan Poe, The Raven

Possessed is a fast-paced story driven survival first person shooter spread across 3 action-packed regions. It features witty characters, terrifying creatures and a strong focus on physics and world interaction.


― Over 25 blood-thirsty terrifying enemies

― Vast exciting regions to explore

― Powerful weapons to slice, blow holes, electrocute, blow up and set your enemies on fire

― Average 4-6 hours of playtime


― A large portion of the world is interactive. Shoot and destroy lights/glass objects, puncture pipes, blast doors off hinges. Explosive items such as fire extinguishers, oxygen tanks, barrels and lava pockets

― Physics are as real as it gets. Throw a stick of dynamite into a stack of boxes and watch them go flying. Force from bullets and explosions will knock plants off walls and send objects hanging from chains swinging


― First Person Kick allowing you to move objects and knock back enemies

― Intelligent mini map that will identify places of interest to guide you in the right direction

― Full Menu with Save/LoadGame, Checkpoint system and Input configuration

― Full Length Feature Soundtrack

Let The Massacre Begin




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